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Realizing The Dream

Eagles’ Wings officially opened in Coker on November 1, 2013


As parents...

We dreamed of a family-oriented neighbor hood where people would have direct support professionals dedicated to assisting them to live independently, and focusing on their emotional, physical, social, spiritual, and vocational needs being met.


As educators...

We dreamed of learning opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities to gain independence and a work ethic through meaningful employment, and a workplace where each adult would be productive and successful, no matter their level of ability.


As a community...

We dreamed of serving individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, and for them to have an opportunity to contribute financially, emotionally and spiritually to their community.



As parents...

We wanted to be proactive about the services available to improve and increase the quality of life for family members when they are ready to leave home and be more independent in their own lives.


As educators...

We wanted to be proactive about what seemed to be limited options available to students once they leave the school system vocationally and residentially.


As a community...

We wanted to be proactive about the ways we can contribute to the emotional, financial, social, spiritual, residential, and vocational needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in the community.



Eagles’ Wings moved to its current location

on 96.44 acres in Coker, Alabama in November 2013, at present this includes:

  • A 7,200 square foot multipurpose building

  • 4 commercial greenhouses

  • 2 residential homes

  • Gift Shop open to the public



Job opportunities and vocational training opportunities will be provided through volunteer and employment:

  • Job-related skills training

  • Life skills coaching

  • Small Group Employment

  • Competitive Employment



Services are offered with the intent to develop independent living skills and provide opportunities for job training to gain meaningful employment and live in the community. Individuals who receive services from Eagles’ Wings should:

·Have been diagnosed with a developmental disability before the age of 18.

  • Have IQ level 70 or below

  • Go through Alabama Department of Mental Health, 1-800-361-4491

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The Master Plan below shares our vision and goals for the feature. These plans include: fourteen additional residential homes, a medical building, a gift shop, a park with walking trails, an activity center with pool for recreational and exercise purposes, and stables that will house horses for our therapeutic riding program.  These opportunities will also be available to the community.

Our Mission

Eagles' Wings, Inc. is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


Eagles’ Wings, Inc. is a non-profit agency that provides Day Habilitation and Residential Services for adults with developmental disabilities. We provide a wide array of services that are individualized to meet each person’s unique emotional, physical, social, spiritual, and vocational needs.  We are committed to promoting and protecting individual rights of people. Our primary objective will be centered on happiness and independence for each individual in a respectful, secure, and person-centered environment which maximizes the potential for independence, productivity, and integration with the surrounding community.

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We Need Your Support Today!

Corporate Partners

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Jones Properties
Tommy Beasley Construction
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